Farid Rashidi

Farid Rashidi

Computational Oncologist and Data Scientist | Ph.D. in Computer Science

P8 Genome-wide profiling of transcription factor activity in primary liver cancer using single-cell ATAC sequencing
Cell Reports Full text Supplementary
P7 Single-cell methylation sequencing data reveal succinct metastatic migration histories and tumor progression models
Genome Research RECOMB 2023 Proceedings Full text Supplementary Code
P6 Fast intratumor heterogeneity inference from single-cell sequencing data
Nature Computational Science Full text Supplementary Code
P5 Review on Studying the History of Tumor Evolution from Single-Cell Sequencing Data by Exploring the Space of Binary Matrices
Journal of Computational Biology Full text
P4 A Transcriptionally Distinct Subpopulation of Healthy Acinar Cells Exhibit Features of Pancreatic Progenitors and PDAC
Cancer Research Full text Supplementary
P3 PhISCS-BnB: a fast branch and bound algorithm for the perfect tumor phylogeny reconstruction problem
Bioinformatics ISMB 2020 Proceedings Full text Supplementary Code Presentation
P2 Clonal Evolution and Heterogeneity of Osimertinib Acquired Resistance Mechanisms in EGFR Mutant Lung Cancer
Cell Reports Medicine Full text Supplementary
P1 PhISCS: a combinatorial approach for subperfect tumor phylogeny reconstruction via integrative use of single-cell and bulk sequencing data
Genome Research Full text Supplementary Code Presentation